Deux Beaux Garcons films

Deux Beaux Garcons was founded in 2009 by director and screenwriter Shlomi Elkabetz. In 2011 the company produced the film "Testimony" directed by Shlomi Elkabetz. A French-Israeli co-production premiering at the Venice Film Festival. In 2014, the company produced "Gett" directed by Ronit and Shlomi Elkabetz, which received unprecedented funding in Israeli cinema, premiering at Cannes Film Festival it was also nominated for the Golden Globe for Best Foreign Film, 2015. In 2016 the company produced the film "In Between" directed by Maysaloun Hamoud. It premiered at TIFF 2016 and won the Asian award. Screened at the San Sebastian Festival it won three awards including the audience award. In 2021 the company produced the film "Black Notebooks" by Shlomi Elkabetz which premiered at the Cannes Film Festival and the TV series "Nafas" Directed by Maysaloun Hamoud produced with HOT TV channel


Edut a film by Shlomi Elkabetz ( feature, 81min, 2011)
Gett a film by Ronit and Shlomi Elkabetz (feature, 115min, 2014)
In Between a film by Maysaloun Hamoud ( feature, 102 min, 2016)
Petit Cahier a film by Shlomi Elkabetz (short film, 11 min, 2015)
Heritage a film by Yuval Aharoni (short film, 25 min, 2017)
Anjelica a film by Dan Peer (Documentary 75 min, 2019)
Long Distance a film by Or Sinai (short film, 17 min, 2020)
Nafas TV series by Maysaloun Hamoud (10 episodex40min, 2021)
Black Notebooks Vivian a film by Shlomi Elkabetz (Documentary 106 min, 2021)
Black Notebooks Ronit a film by Shlomi Elkabetz (Documentary 100min, 2021)
Je t’iame Ronit Elkabetz a film by Moran Ifergan (Documentary 70min 2022)
Black Notebooks TV series by Shlomi Elkabetz ( (Documentary , 5 episode, 2022)

For more details, Interest and Coproduction please contact us:

World Premiere

Je t’iame Ronit Elkabetz A film by Moran Ifregan – Documentary 70min

A visual archival montage of the late director and actress Ronit Elkabetz told through the Radical collection of her extraordinary wardrobe.

“Je t’aime, Ronit Elkabetz” is a cinematic essay film about one of the greatest Israeli Filmmakers of all time. It reflects on the importance of a garment chosen to be worn by an individual but in particular, a woman. It is about the political essence of the garment and its ability to form a reality and transform it. One single garment can tell a collective story of those subjugated, oppressed and repressed in an unconventional, groundbreaking and sophisticated way. This is a story about the power of cinema, of clothes and of one unforgettable woman standing for and embodying the deepest human desire for freedom and liberty.    

With the support of HOT8, Israeli cinema Project, Mifal Hapais

In Production

Ead a film by Yousef Abo Madegem

Eed's impossible dream is to create theater. He lives in Rahat, works in construction, and secretly writes a play. He has an affair on skype with an actress from Paris but his poor family arranges a marriage for him so they could secure their financial future. Believing in the sanctity of family, they struggle to understand his objection. They also failed to help Eed when he was sexually abused as a kid, a re-emerging memory that forces him to choose between self-fulfillment and the life intended for him. He gets married but continues to fight for his freedom, traveling to Paris only to realize nobody awaits him there. Determined, he returns with a finished play, yet no one is there to see it

With the support of Israel Cinema Project, Gesher Film Fund, Mifal Hapais

Know hope a film by Omer Shamir – Documentary

When the Israeli street-artist Know Hope suddenly faces a severe chronic disease, he begins collecting stories of personal struggles from participants around the world. The lives of strangers become the material of his artistic therapy, fusing life and art back to the streets.

With the support of Israel Cinema Project, Van Leer Jerusalem Institute

In Camera a film by Orian Cohen - Documentary

At the end of 18 years and after a long hiatus, a father sends to his daughter in which he apologizes to her for sexually abusing her. The daughter who is a young filmmaker is unable to remain indifferent to his remorse and she initiates a meeting with him. They have an eye-level conversation about memory of trauma, perversions, childhood, cultural gaps and loneliness. For the first time in documentary film, a female director turns the camera towards her father who sexually abused her when she was seven and asks him why.

With the support of Israel Cinema Project

Pre Production

CUZ YOU’RE UGLY a film by Sharon Angelhart

On the last vacation before graduating IDF's officer course, Avigail (19), wild and angry, returns home to a neglected suburb of Jerusalem. She has one mission, get rid of her childhood chains and lose her virginity before the weekend's over. At home, she'll face her dysfunctional mother, aloof father and her young sister's unwanted pregnancy.   

With the support of Israeli film fund, Gesher film fund, In coproduction with Ikki films

Callas a film by Shlomi Elkabetz

Kate, a movie star, discovers she is sick while filming a movie about the last year in the life of Opera Singer Maria Class. She keeps her illness a secret and carries the weight of knowing that when the production comes to an end so will her life. In the relationship between an actress and the character she plays a blurring of identities unfolds as the two women accompany each other in life and death.

Heart of Gold a film by Efrat Corem

Mali Azulai (39) a conductor for “Egged” buses in Ashkelon, might lose her job as a result of a violent altercation with a rude young passenger. She returns to the empty bus to look for her phone, but instead finds an abandoned baby. Mali takes him to her apartment. She and her brother Shimon (32), a prison guard, close themselves in her apartment to care for the baby. As they spend time with the baby, their childhood memories of being abandoned by their mother surface, putting their relationship with each other and with the world around them to a test.  

With the support of Israel Cinema Project.

The Berbers a film by Hanna Azoulay Hasfari

The story of the unimaginable exodus of Barbarian Jews to modern Israel.

Rabbi Eliyahu is a blind and charismatic leader of a Jewish community in a small village on the outskirts of the Sahara desert. On the eve of the establishment of the Jewish state, he needs to choose between his loyalty to the Arab nation and his Jewish-Zionist identity, thus deciding the fate of his community.

Morocco, 1955 – Dr. Arie Greinitz, the Zionist missionary, arrives to the community with a message: the State of Israel is becoming a reality and he has come to take them there. Rabbi Eliyahu commands that everyone prepare to migrate to Zion but once he realizes that Israel is only open to the young, strong and healthy and that all old and sick members of the community must be left behind, he faces a great dilemna. The historical circumstances of the end of French rule on the one hand and the Moroccan national awakening on the other, create a chaotic state where everyone wants to leave at once. No livelihood, no grooms to marry off to young brides, no kosher food and Muslims, who see the Jews who are leaving as traitors and therefore turn against them. It is clear to him that the community’s existence has reached its end in Morocco and a migration to Israel will save the lives of the young members of the community. But at 55 the blind and “old” rabbi can’t bring himself to betray the highest Jewish moral value – never to leave the weak behind.

With the support of Israel Cinema Project


Fireworks A film by Yuval Aharoni

Zion,35, is the chauffer of Leonid, 65, a married powerful oligarch. Zion is also his lover. They share brief intimate stolen moments, mainly on sideroads, in the car. After saving his life from an assassin, Zion demands a relationship, or he will break up with him. Eventually, when Leonid is forced to stay away from Israel, he offers Zion to join him to his gas fields in Siberia. What Zion hopes would be the beginning of their new relationship, far from their past life, soon turns into a bloody nightmare. Leonid’s enemies from the outside and his inner demons turn him violent and paranoid. Zion can’t overlook Leonid’s nature and must make his choice – to stay and totally merge into Leonid’s brutal life or run away and save his soul. Fireworks is an action- thriller, a gay love story set between Israel and Russia, where you can run away from your problems but not from your own nature.

With the support of Israeli film fund

Barzakh A film by Hamad Sharoof

Ali (45) a Muslim-Arab bachelor living with his mother Jamila, has always repressed his sexual orientation in order to be accepted by his community; a male patriarchal society that doesn’t allow anyone different to live their truth. The only place Ali is allowed to be curious about another man’s body is in the morgue. As a result of the physical challenges of his work, Ali begins to suffer from back pain. The Imam in charge, decides to hire someone to help Ali wash the bodies. No one manages to withstand the workload for long until one day, Issam appears, a young man who will change things for Ali, forcing him to face who he really is. 

The film is called "Barzakh", the meaning the word "Barzakh" is the place that separates two things. In Islamic religion it means the place that separates the world of death from the day of resurrection. That’s where we find Ali.

With the support of Israel cinema project

15 a film by Veronica Kedar & Joy Rieger

An Israeli adolescent drama that takes place in 2012.

Gil is a fifteen-year-old girl who lives in Herzliya with her hedonistic parents and younger brother, Dan. She has a boyfriend she doesn’t want, a dance teacher she is in love with all her being and a mentally ill uncle who exposes her to theater and music. Between first love to first death and with all the adults around her coming undone with grief, Gil will try to figure out who she is, where the boundaries that all the adults speak of are, what she wants from this world and what the hell the world wants from her.

"15" is a painful and moving story about the rising and falling tides of adolescence and youth.

The Rabbanit a film by Shir Abo Huri – Documentary

From her childhood in the children's home in the kibbutz, to finding God and the religious path and finally to her exodus from of a closed religious sect in Jerusalem, Yael has spent her entire life looking for a home.  Yael's constant search for a home, inspires her to open a refuge for former ultra-Orthodox young women who left their religious life behind and are now living on the street. These young women who have suffered since childhood from neglect, sexual and physical abuse, see Yael as their savior in a world in which they have lost all trust. The film will follow Yael and three young women – Sarah, Tova and Goldy, who are at different stages in the rehabilitation and acclimatization process to a new world. Like Yael, who has a complex relationship with her mother who abandoned her as a child, each of the young women sheds light on different mother daughter relationships. Hopefully they will be able to cure past wounds and finally find one place where they can feel at home.

With the support of Negev film fund

Tv series in development

Son of Galilee Written and directed by Shlomi Elkabetz

Judith and Taufik , a Jewish woman and Palestinian man, are having a secret affair. Judith becomes pregnant. She gives Taufik are difficult choice: either she has an abortion and Taufik stays or she keeps the child and Taufik must leave. He chooses the child and leaves. Twenty years after being asked to leave, Amir, the son, is a soldier gone missing in the Gaza war of 2014 and Judith asks Taufik to return to her and his son the soldier. Taufik, a property and damages tax agent, sets out to cross the country during the war, to his lover from the past and to the missing son, whom he has never met, and perhaps never will. An Odyssey of Israeli and Palestinian mythology. Thousands of years after Hagar and her son Ishmael are banished from Abraham's tent, Taufik, a modern Abraham, sets out to claim his life back.

With the Support of Arte, In coproduction with Le films pelleas

The Club Written by Mor Kaplansky and Yuval Aharoni. lead actress - Yael Abecassis

The club is a drama series (8 chaps) about Anais Elbaz,50, who under the strict eyes of her father, Victor, is running the family resort, set on the beach of Ashdod.

When Victor is diagnosed with advanced dementia his will is open and Anais discovers she deserve nothing and all the control over the family business and money is passed to her brothers. Anais fights her beloved ones to gain control over her life project, which she invested all her time, energy, and talent in. When no one in the family is willing to reach out,

Anais declares war against them. During this war she discovers that in her youth she was sexually assaulted, and her brother, Maurice, and father forced her silence, making her repress what happened to her to the point she remembers nothing.  Crushed and overwhelmed, Anais must find a new resolution for her soul, a way to set herself free. One thing she is sure of, she is great in business. She partners with the family’s French business associates and closes a competing deal against her brother and father, leading her to choose between her freedom and her family.

In Coproduction with Unite.


Precisely during the best time of their lives, when they are riding high on the waves of professional success and expecting their first born through surrogacy, Maor dies unexpectedly and leaves Rasmus (40), his partner, to face the aftermath.

The Scandinavian stage artist finds himself caught up in a modern “trial of Shlomo”, the twenty-first century version; a legal and psychological battle, publically displayed across continents and devoid of red lines, with each side fortifying its position and determined to raise the child according to their set of social and cultural values.

At the center of the "David" series are three main forces: Rasmus, Maor's mother Sarah, and his brother Nathaniel. Between the three a complex and layered relationship develops, beneath which underground currents of attraction and rejection, trust and suspicion, threat and dependence will surface.

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